Bigger Is Not Always Better – One Size Does Not Fit All

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There are few discussions that can quickly turn into arguments – Ford or Chevy; Auburn or Alabama; Sweet or Salty; what’s for dinner.  One of these is the discussion of what is the best caliber ammunition to use for self-defense.  Let’s see if we can answer that one.  

There is no question that the terminal ballistic performance of a big .45 caliber pistol is formidable.  But, that formidability comes with a cost in terms of weight of the pistol, recoil of the pistol and the amount of training it takes to become confident and competent with that large pistol.  These costs mean the .45 is not the right choice for the average armed citizen. The .45 is not useful if you cannot hit the target or cannot manage the recoil and drop it after firing the first round.   

In 2014, the FBI conducted a study on handgun ballistics for the purpose of making recommendations to the law enforcement community about the caliber of pistol cartridge to use.  In this study they made the observation that immediate incapacitation of a threat relied more on shot placement than in size of projectiles.  They found that the armed professionals in their study were able to put more rounds on target quicker with a 9mm than they could with the larger .40 caliber.  They found bigger is not always better. 

So, what is the best caliber ammunition to use in a self-defense gun?  It is the caliber that you can become confident and competent enough to be able to quickly put multiple rounds on target.  It is better to be able to put five .22 rounds on target in 2 seconds than to miss one time with the big ole American Bullet – the .45 caliber.  If you are being told that you must have a certain caliber handgun, be very skeptical.  Bigger is not always better and one size does not fit all.  Try out several types, caliber, and manufacture of handguns and select the one that is right for you. Test fire several at a range that rents firearms if possible.  It may end up being the .45; is right for you; it may be a .22 LR is right for you; or most likely it may be somewhere in between is right for you. Selection of a handgun is a personal decision.  

If you would like some technical assistance in purchasing your firearm or carry accessories, please do not hesitate to contact us.