Firearms 101: Technology, Safety, Marksmanship, and Gun Laws


The class begins with an interactive classroom presentation about how firearms and ammunition function; the principles of safe gun handling; and an understanding of the laws as they relate to guns and the use of force. Following the classroom presentation, the class will culminate in a live fire session at a local range where you will learn how to properly handle, operate and fire a handgun. The price includes the range fees. You do not need to have your own pistol. You can borrow one of ours.

We took the feedback and questions we got from our previous classes, mixed in some of John’s experiences as a lifelong gun enthusiast and ATF Agent and developed this course.  After this course the student will be able to:

  • Understand the responsibility that comes with the rights afforded to us by the Constitution
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the rules of SAFE firearms handling
  • Identify the different types of firearms and how they operate
  • Identify the parts of a pistol
  • Identify the types of ammunition and recognize the components of ammunition
  • Demonstrate the fundamentals of marksmanship and manipulation of the firearm
  • Identify the principles of responsible gun ownership
  • Recognize Federal and Alabama laws as they relate to carrying a firearm outside your home
  • Recognize the legal requirements for the use of lethal force

Firearms 102 – Weapon Proficiency


This class is a carry on of our Firearms 101 class. Students enrolled in Firearms 102 must be an alumni of Firearms 101 or another basic level firearms course.  This class starts where the basic class left off and builds upon the basic class.  In this class the student will learn how to fire multiple rounds in quick succession; build muscle memory of the skills learned in 101 through repetition; and be introduced to intermediate weapon manipulation skills such as emergency and tactical reloads.  Once the student demonstrates proficiency with the basic skills, drawing from an outside the waistband holster will be introduced.  (Two Hours All on the Range)

Firearms 103 – Shooting Lab

$35 per hour

Practice is important to maintain any skill.  This is an opportunity for alumni at all levels to come out the range with an instructor to sustain and build upon the skills they learned in class.

Firearms 110 – Maintenance


This course is open to alumni of other courses.  It is important to keep your firearm properly maintained.  It needs to be clean and properly lubricated.  This one-hour hands on course/lab will allow you to learn to properly clean and maintain your firearm under the watchful eye of the instructor.   (One hour in the Shop)

Firearms 200 – Defensive Shooting


In this course, the student must have demonstrated a mastery of the rules of firearms safety and have a good working understanding of how to operate their pistol.  In this course, the student will learn weapon manipulation skills such as drawing from an outside the waist band holster, performing an emergency reload, tactically clearing malfunctions; engaging multiple targets. (Three Hours All on the Range)

Firearms 250 – Introduction to the Modern Sporting Rifle


In this class, shooters who have purchased an AR platform rifle (Modern Sporting Rifle) will be introduced to the nomenclature, operation, and utilization of the platform.  Shooters will be shown how to set up the accessories such as slings and optics which all together make a rifle weapon system.  During set up, shooters with optics will have an opportunity to sight in the optic. (2 hours on the range)

Firearms 400 – Custom Classes

This is a class developed specifically for you or your group.  The Instructor will consult with you to determine what your goals and objectives are and develop a lesson plan, content and training activities to meet your objectives.  (Call for Quote)