Don’t Leave Your Gun in the Car!!

To whom much is given, much will be required. (Luke 12:48)

We, as Americans, enjoy rights and freedoms that most of the world does not have.  That right is the individual right to keep and bear arms.  But, we must also be responsible while exercising our rights.  A part of being a responsible gun owner is denying access to anyone who should not have our firearms.  

Under existing Federal and State laws, criminals cannot purchase a firearm like honest gun owners do.  They cannot just go into a gun store and pick one out.  Here in the south, research by ATF has shown the primary source of guns used in a crime are from thefts.  An article published by reported that in the State of Alabama alone, stolen firearms were used to murder 5 Alabama police officers during 2019.

Beyond home burglaries, a leading source of crime guns for these criminals is unsuspecting honest gun owners making the poor choice to leave their gun in the car and the car unlocked.  In every community, no matter how safe, there are those who are intent on stealing.  These folks are known as “door flippers”.  These thieves will walk through neighborhoods and flip the door handles on cars to see if one is left unlocked.  They will then enter the unlocked car to steal anything of value.  They may find cash, purses, wallets, electronics, medications and sometimes they hit a thief’s jackpot and find a firearm. That firearm is then traded on the streets to people who cannot legally possess firearms otherwise and sometimes used for extreme evil.  This is how an innocent gun owner’s firearm becomes a crime gun.  

Now, concealed carry laws differ around the country, but one thing is certain, there are places you cannot carry your firearm so you must temporarily leave it in your car.  You simply may not have a choice.  If this is the case, make sure your car is locked.  Make sure the firearm and other valuables are out of sight.  Make sure it is left for the shortest amount of time possible.  Consider an after-market product such as the Console Vault ( or something similar to secure your firearm and other valuables.  And certainly, do not use your vehicle as a place to store your firearm regularly, long term or overnight.  

We have been given much in this great right to keep and bear arms.  We are also required to be responsible when exercising that right.  Don’t leave your gun in the car! Always lock your car!

The mission of South Alabama Firearms Education is to educate citizens to be confident, competent, safe and responsible gun owners.  Please reach out to us anytime at and click on the contact us link.