Hurricane Sally Clean Up; Don’t Forget to Maintain Your Firearms!

Those of us here on the Gulf Coast are dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Sally.  Many lives, jobs, home and businesses have been impacted to various degrees – some drastically.  Thankfully for the most part the community is rebounding, rebuilding and moving forward. 

Many of you, like me, have spent the last days and weeks since the storm cutting trees, assessing damages and starting repair projects.  But, let’s not forget about our firearms.  It has been said that firearms have two enemies – rust and politicians.  They need a little attention right now too. 

With all the moisture in the air and in some cases moisture getting inside our homes, the firearms have been exposed to lots of water.  This exposure to moisture can quickly cause rust.  So, take a few minutes to pull the firearms out, inspect them and give them a good cleaning followed by a nice oiling.  Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations in the user’s manual about field stripping and lubrication.  Most importantly, remember the all the rules of SAFE gun handling.   The guns will appreciate it and it will be a good diversion for you from downed trees and blown off roofs.