“I had never been comfortable with guns…”

I have never been comfortable with guns even though everyone in my family had them.  As I’ve gotten older, I believe the time has come to at least learn HOW to use a pistol so as not to hurt myself in the event I ever have to need one.  I was very nervous arriving at John’s class, but quickly realized there was no need to be.  He reviewed all the basics – the things every owner needs to know – honing in on safety.  When we arrived at the range my nerves had kicked up again, but it was actually so much fun!  John was so patient and never left my side when it was my turn.  I can’t believe this is me saying this – but I’m looking forward to practicing. I’m no longer afraid of the “machine” and feel if I’m ever threatened, I can handle myself.  This is a huge revelation.  Thank you, John!

Brenda C